In the not-too-distant future, an intergalactic space station is hit by a rogue asteroid. Dave the clumsy astronaut and his unwilling AI companion GAL must evacuate the station. But they have a problem: Dave doesn’t have his keys.
Victor Kim Christiansen - Audio Designer
André Filthuth - CG artist
Mathias Fynbo - QA & UR Manager
Malene Henriksen - Project Manager
Nicholas Indrehus - Programmer
Mark B. Iversen - Game Director
Camilla Grønberg Jakobsen - Programmer
Christian Bolding Jensen Business Developer
Kathrin Jedrys Art Director
Gustav Ebler Johansen Business Developer
Mari Kjærside - Animator
Frederik Schmidt Knudsen - Programmer
Georgios Kritsotakis - Programmer
Malte von Mehren - Programmer
Praveen Namasivayam - Game Designer
Carsten Nielsen - Lead Programmer
Mia Louise Søgaard - Programmer
Bjørn Hasager Vinther - Programmer