Game & Level Designer

The Game & Level Designer can be a core or a senior position. The Game & Level Designer must in collaboration with the team produce the Game Design Presentation and design and implement the core game features in the games.

About the role

The Game & Level Designer must work closely with the Game Director to produce the Game Design Document in accordance to the conditions, time and resources defined by the lead team. The Game & Level Designer may do grey boxing or early prototyping, and assist with implementing the game features in the games. The Game & Level Designer is responsible for the flow and quality of the user experience and for carrying out frequent tests of the gameplay, UI and reward systems. Game Designers must design both the core mechanics and the level design, but these assignments may be split and assigned to different Game & Level Designers on the team. Please inform us if you have a preference for Game Design or Level Design.


Educations that allow you to apply for this role: Interactive, Digital Media and Experience Design at Aalborg University, Digital Design at Aarhus University, The IT University of Copenhagen, The Royal Danish Academy, The National Film School of Denmark and Medialogy at Aalborg University in both Copenhagen and Aalborg.